Founded in Cologne during 2017, André Hommen created These Eyes with a clear mission statement to release underground electronic music accompanied by his vision for unique design and an ethos for quality. With a back catalogue of selected EPs from the likes of Marc Romboy, Jonathan Kaspar and Clavis, ‘More Than This‘ is the label’s first album and also a debut from the label-owner himself.
For the people reading this who haven’t heard your music before, how would you describe your style, and the key elements that define it?
I think especially on the album it’s a mix of a lot genres. You have the deeper tracks, you have the peak-time tracks and you also have the techno-orientated tracks. So it’s a mixture of all of that together I would say. This is the benefit of doing an album as you can showcase your sound a bit more wider.

You just released your album ‘More Than This’ on These Eyes, how did the project and partnership with the label come about?
The album has been done since 1,5 years now and it was finally the right time to release it. Since it’s coming on my very own label These Eyes, the partnership with the label has been very well ; ).
Could you talk us through your creative process for the album and any specific equipment used?
Well some track-ideas for the album were done a long time ago, so basically it took some time to find the right tracks to choose for an album release. Funny enough, when I had all tracks together, it was super easy to set the final running order. Most of the tracks from me have some sort of signature equipment in it which is the Moog Sub Phatty.

Do you think there has been a key moment, gig, or release, that has been the turning point in your career so far?
I think there have been a few key moments. My first Asia tour with Dennis Ferrer was quite special. I always wanted to go to Asia and then out of sudden I had the pleasure to go and do what I love the most. People waiting for us, appreciate what we are doing. I was obviously super flashed and I am going to Asia once a year since then luckily.

Could you give some advice or words of wisdom to any aspiring producers who would look to your music for inspiration?
I always say the same thing. The main thing I have learned over the time was having patience. If you have the right amount of patience you can almost get anything you want.
Now that the album has been released, do you have any other big projects you are currently working on?
I am working on a lot of side projects at the moment. And I want to focus more on the label which is why I am releasing the album on my own label. I will have some super exciting releases coming up for the rest of the year including a remix EP of my album.
Thanks for taking the time to speak with us today, we like to finish our interviews with a couple of questions that are a little bit light hearted… without getting too personal, could you tell us something most people won’t know about you?
Thanks for having me! That’s a hard question actually. I think when people get to know me better, they will be surprised what I am all doing actually – there are a lot different projects going on right now and I love it!

You don’t need to mention names, but what’s the most “outrageous” thing you have ever seen in a club… was it something outrageously brilliant, like a blindfolded DJ mixing seamlessly and scratching with their elbows, or something outrageously cringe-worthy, like some embarrassing drunken raver urinating on the dance floor?
I think many of us had the situation that in some certain countries people would like to tip the DJ which is already the strangest thing ever. I had this various times and normally I refuse it but one time the guy got very angry when I refused his tip so he added even more on top of it – which was even more strange ; ).
Stream and download the album HERE.