Basti Grub is a German electronic music producer famed for his quirky and forward-thinking style of music, and his new track “Whoomp” is an upbeat tech house stomper.

Whoomp pays homage to the classic hip hop track “Whoomp There It Is” by Tag Team as it samples the iconic vocal for the foundation of the track, which is out via Aprapta Music.

Aprapta Music is Basti Grub’s own record label and it’s a regular outlet for his music, but he has also released on other respected imprints ranging from Hot Creations to Crosstown Rebels.

Opening with dramatic vocal bursts and ticking hi-hats, Whoomp quickly introduces the vocals, and the kick drum drops when the vocal hits the first verse. Its 4/4 kick pattern and rumbling sub-bass provide a funky framework for the vocal to take centre stage.

You can pick up a copy …HERE…